4 posts tagged with EFF.
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Anil Dash Joins Electronic Frontier Foundation Board

Metafilter's own, and proponent of the professional white background, has joined the board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the group announced today with Anil confirming on his site. [more inside]
posted by terrapin on Jun 24, 2020 - 15 comments

Is it possible to request a 'Force SSL' option in the User Preferences?

The EFF offers HTTPS Anywhere, but it's not available for all browser, and fails on some script calls. As a feature this would be amazing. Thank you!
posted by four panels on Jan 31, 2016 - 47 comments

COICA still alive

The "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act" (COICA) is back on the Judiciary Committee's schedule. [more inside]
posted by morganw on Nov 15, 2010 - 1 comment

Does the EFF count as a user's project?

Does this really count as a user's project? (And why doesn't MeFi Projects have flagging?)
posted by cillit bang on Nov 18, 2005 - 34 comments

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