5 posts tagged with Friday.
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Note: Everyone needs a laugh.

"I know more about a person from the jokes they like than any belief they profess," commented lazycomputerkids in the thread on right-wing comedy. So, MeFites - tell us about yourselves! [more inside]
posted by nickmark on Sep 29, 2017 - 179 comments

(If I need to make that argument, I'll do that inside!)

Maybe I missed something, and if I did, I am sorry, but... [more inside]
posted by QueerAngel28 on Apr 24, 2013 - 38 comments

Photo Friday on Metachat

It's Friday!...which means that over on Metachat, we continue the Friday tradition of posting photos by members on a given theme (this week, Fences; other recent marvels, Glow, Photobooth, Reflections, Old/New. If you haven't been over to MetaChat in a while, or ever, Photo Friday is a nice place to start with a post or a comment - and a relaxing way to wind down the work week with a few moments of Zen. [more inside]
posted by Miko on Feb 5, 2010 - 28 comments

Flash Friday Fun on other days

Is Flash/Fun still just for Fridays? If no (my vote), can we drop the rather annoying "I know it's not Friday..." and its ilk?
posted by PinkStainlessTail on Apr 17, 2003 - 23 comments

Time to cry FridayFilter?

The news posts have pretty much dissapeared (huzzah). But what's taken their place? I know "we've already discussed this" already, but there have been a few "Friday" posts in the past few non-Fridays. They're usually great fun, but I'm not getting any work done. Time to cry FridayFilter? But seriously folks, what makes a "Friday" post? Sillyness, flash, fun?
posted by SimStupid on Oct 9, 2002 - 24 comments

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