6 posts tagged with Islam.
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Islamophobia on Metafilter
I was saddened by many of the comments in this post. Many of them are fine, but many of them are grossly ignorant, and some cross the line into bigotry for me, prettily phrased I grant. [more inside]
Looking for a post.
I'm looking for a video posted to the blue a while back. My Google-fu is weak. [more inside]
This post sux.
I call shenanigans on this post about how hating muslims is logical. "American Thinker" is one of the loonier wingnut/Teabagger rags out there. [more inside]
Perhaps we should limit posts about the Cordoba House to the still open thread from 4 days ago
Is a second post about the Cordoba House issue (first, latter) within 4 days really necessary? [more inside]
"Honor killings" and Metafilter
MeFi's own TheLastPsychiatrist talks about the alleged honor killings and Metafilter gets mentioned in the process (down at the end of the post).
Flag It and Move On
What part of "flag it and move on" are people having trouble understanding? I'm willing to hold an extra help session for our slower learners.