7 posts tagged with Meficomp.
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Metafilter Album Portraits

If you were one of the artists in the Metafilter Compilation album a couple of years ago, and you want the original portrait art (free, of course!), please send me your address through Mefi Mail or the e-mail address in my profile; I'm going to mail the drawings out next week. Thanks!
posted by interrobang on May 2, 2009 - 8 comments

Has anybody received the mefi compilation CD?

Has anybody actually received the mefi compilation cd? I paypalled for mine on Nov 28, but haven't gotten diddly. I emailed the meficomp people on Dec 19 and haven't heard back. Anybody gotten anything?
posted by rbs on Dec 25, 2006 - 16 comments

NYC meetup and CD release party, Nov. 2006

I'd like to organize an NYC meetup in celebration of the release of MeFiComp. Caveats:

1. I'm thinking early December, so that physical copies of the CD are on hand and available for purchase.
2. I'd like to do this at a location where any available and interested MeFiComp artists (including myself) can perform their songs.
3. I've never organized or been to an NYC MeFi meetup! I know a handful of other MeFites, but I have no clue where folks generally like to meet, who usually organizes things, etc. I'm happy to defer to others' suggestions.
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Nov 8, 2006 - 43 comments

Whatever happened to the compilation CD project from this thread? (Sept. 2006)

Whatever happened to the compilation CD project from this thread? http://metatalk.metafilter.com/mefi/11734
I'm not trying to rush it or anything, just wondering...
posted by cosmicbandito on Sep 6, 2006 - 22 comments

Hey, what's the deal with the MetaFilter Compilation CD?

Hey, what's the deal with the MetaFilter Compilation CD? I ordered a couple of copies, but it's been many a moon since I heard anyone even mention it.
posted by The Card Cheat on Jul 14, 2006 - 8 comments

Send me your pic for the compilation

If you are on this page, and have not yet sent me a picture, please do so soon!
posted by interrobang on May 16, 2006 - 7 comments

Metafilter Compilation Album Official WebsiteTM launched!

Metafilter Compilation Album
Official WebsiteTM launched: meficomp.com
Music submissions officially closed!
[em eye, baby!]
posted by cortex on May 2, 2006 - 31 comments

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