10 posts tagged with Metafilter and music.
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Dead MetaFilter Radio

So, I tried to share the MetaFilter Radio app with someone recently and found it was no longer in the App store. And I tried to run my MetaFilter Radio app and it was an utter failure. Are there plans to update this and continue to make it useful and fun, or was it a one-off project and is now dead?
posted by hippybear on Nov 3, 2015 - 4 comments

Pony This Song to MeFi

We have a one-stop button for posting MeFi Projects to Metafilter. Could we also get a one-stop button for posting MeFi Music to Metafilter?
posted by Going To Maine on Mar 7, 2015 - 24 comments

As seen on Metafilter

This FPP brought the wonderful Alabama Shakes to my attention. It got me to wondering if MeFi has ever been responsible for helping a musical act "break out" before. We've got a lot of members with blogs, Twitter accounts, etc. so we potentially have a lot of clout but is this something that can be measured?
posted by tommasz on Apr 25, 2012 - 70 comments

One is the loneliest DJ

So what does a guy have to do to get a listening room rockin' around here? I'd like to revive memebake's listening room for MeFites if anyone else is interested. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Sep 14, 2011 - 38 comments

Eff You You Effing Eff

Collaborative music video. [more inside]
posted by Astro Zombie on Mar 31, 2011 - 121 comments

Can I link to my classmates' MySpace Music pages?

I study popular music, and needless to say I go to school with some pretty amazing musicians and song-writers, many of whom have MySpace profiles and websites with their songs on them. [more inside]
posted by MaiaMadness on May 30, 2010 - 31 comments

Metafilter Music Podcast?

Has anyone thought about doing a periodic podcast of tunes exclusively from music.metafilter? Would Metafilter or any of the artists have an issue with someone doing this? Would anyone want to host it or help in other ways? Would anyone listen to it?
posted by rollbiz on Mar 30, 2009 - 38 comments

If I had the force, I would choke the shit out of you.

Can I put this in my metafilter URL? [more inside]
posted by SheMulp AKA Plus 1 on Mar 5, 2009 - 28 comments

Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up Now With Live Vintage Blues at the Marco Polo in Georgetown

Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up... at the Marco Polo in Georgetown Good music, stimulating company and conversation were hallmarks of last month's affair and now the stars align again at 8 PM on Saturday, November 22nd, in the Marco Polo once more. [more inside]
posted by y2karl on Nov 12, 2008 - 17 comments

File Under: Finished.

It's here: the Metafilter Music Collaboration. [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Dec 30, 2007 - 34 comments

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