3 posts tagged with MoMu15.
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Better late than never

I never got a chance to thank my fellow Chicago MeFites for going above and beyond the call of duty in celebrating MetaFilter's 15th Anniversary. Did you know we had 29 straight days of meetups in July? Here's just some of the stuff we did: [more inside]
posted by eamondaly on Aug 25, 2014 - 28 comments


To celebrate Metafilter's 15th anniversary this month, I have given myself a MeFi-themed manicure. I thought I would share with you all. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Jul 8, 2014 - 57 comments

15th Anniversary

So, it was brought to my attention by eamondaly that the 15th anniversary of Metafilter is coming up in a few weeks. Here's some suggestions as how to celebrate: [more inside]
posted by garlic on Jun 25, 2014 - 77 comments

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