7 posts tagged with Moderation and post.
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Gang of Mods: [chanting] We are the mods! We are the mods!
New rule proposal: Moderators should not be able to moderate threads posted by themselves. [more inside]
MetaTalk Holiday Queue in the Queue
We're going to be queuing MetaTalk posts from December 24th to January 1st. [more inside]
MetaTalk Holiday Queue Time
With US Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, it's time for another MetaFilter holiday tradition: The MetaTalk Queue. [more inside]
MetaTalk Holiday Post Queue
It's almost time for another major US holiday and we're trying something new here at MetaTalk this Thanksgiving: a post queue. [more inside]
You vetoed an open inauguration thread but you left this up?
What happened to my Black Friday post?
I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?
Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?
This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?