4 posts tagged with NavelGazing.
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Rosemary's Baby's Day Out

Five years ago today, an innocuous thread was posted about nerd culture mashup t-shirts. Before long, weird mashup creation took hold, and with this comment by Existential Dread, a format solidified. The ensuing madness would last more than a month, totaling more than 2,000 comments and at least as many insane mashup titles in a brilliant/stupid/hilarious thread that will still make you laugh today. Which are your favorites?
posted by DirtyOldTown on May 24, 2021 - 2398 comments

Business Insider thinks mathowie is "this guy"

Here's What Happened When This Guy Accidentally Asked 1,138 People To Connect On LinkedIn I apparently don't read the names of the people involved when I skim articles, but about 5 paragraphs in it mentions MeFi, so I looked back to see if I could figure out the user name, which I did… Congrats on being "this guy", mathowie.
posted by Mad_Carew on Mar 19, 2013 - 1 comment

shuffling the hive mind

Idea: MetaStrategies Card Deck [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature on Mar 15, 2012 - 43 comments

Navel gazing: most popular

Some navel gazing (hmmmm, perty):

As far as I can tell, Blogger is the most popular weblog app, Metafilter the most popular weblog, and Jason Kottke the most popular weblogger.
posted by Neale on Sep 2, 2001 - 15 comments

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