4 posts tagged with NewPost.
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Delete post button on duplicates
Could we have a delete post button on the preview page when a Mefi post has duplicate links in it? At the moment you have to click new post again to delete the draft.
please shorten the new post window by a few hours
I frequently find myself with time to browse, compose, and share content at about the same time of day. Multiple times it's happened that I type my stuff in, hit 'post' and get an error message that I have to wait, say, 18 more minutes, or 6 more minutes. This is mildly annoying. I suggest the post wait time be shortened from 24 hours to say, 21 hours or 23 hours.
When is it OK to post an update to an open thread?
Apologies if this comes off as test-post-ish, but I am wondering if there are any unwritten guidelines around when it is OK to post an update on the blue, particularly if there was a former post about the subject and that post is still open. [more inside]
Desperately Mouthing "Help Meeeeee"
This is too dumb but here goes - I can't post on the mobile site. I can't find the "New Post" links on blue, grey or green. Where are they? (FWIW I can comment just fine, just not post from my phone.)