2 posts tagged with NorthAmerica.
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Extreme weather check-in

North America is being slammed by a breakaway polar vortex and Australia is melting under brutal record heat. Stay safe, everyone, and share how you're coping with it if you wish. Three-dog nights? Ice bucket immersions?
posted by Johnny Wallflower on Jan 30, 2019 - 167 comments

Looking for an AskMe post about question asking culture in North America

I'm looking for a post in AskMetafilter that happened within the last year or so, I'm pretty sure. The poster had moved recently to somewhere in Canada or the northern U.S. from elsewhere in North America and was dismayed to find that people there seemed to only talk about themselves and never ask questions of others. The post got lots of replies and the consensus seemed to be that it was a cultural difference within certain areas in North America regarding whether it was considered polite to ask questions when meeting someone new. Anybody remember this one? I've tried searching for all the terms I could think of.
posted by Brain Sturgeon on Jan 8, 2019 - 6 comments

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