61 posts tagged with Obituary.
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A post-mortem profile of Mike Penner/Christine Daniels.
FPP Follow-Up: Zelda Passed Today
Remembering our friend Brad
Our dear longtime member Bradlands is gone. Delightful SXSW party host, coiner of the word "blogosphere", all-around bon vivant & damn fine friend. Not much news yet, but here's a placeholder for news to come & remembrances. He will be so greatly missed.
Bageena, RIP
Cross-posting sad news about Bageena that was misposted to MeFi.... My Name is Tara. My Husband Andrew Press, whom you know as Bageena. Passed away suddenly in his sleep yesterday. [more inside]
litterateur 1985 - 2009 "You give your/words to me"
I got an email from another member letting me know that litterateur, the young woman who posted a few questions to AskMe about her leukemia and its relapse, died at the end of October. Her questions and comments encouraged a lot of us to become bone marrow donors and learn more about marrow donation. [more inside]
Celebrity Dead Pool.
A lot of discussion has been had lately on obituary threads and more specifically on how crappy the initial post(s) of well known people are as posters try to take advantage of Metafilter's usual first post stays policy. Several people have proposed that Metafilter run a vetting system for obit posts or take other actions to reduce the need for multiple post deletions along with their attendant comments. One suggestion was for users to maintain a prewritten obituary pool for famous people similar to those used by news services. I've set up a proof of concept on the wiki here. [more inside]
Vaya con Dios, Lu.
Is this something I'd have to have a Metafilter account to know about?
Users commenting just to say they haven't heard of the topic of discussion is 100% noise and garbage.
[more inside]
Dead Ken Lay?
"I wanna see the body," wrote a commenter at Metafilter.com. Another simply wrote, "$."...
July 2000, meet July 2006: "I want a coroner's report, pictures, and a DNA test of the body," wrote one commenter at Metafilter.com.
'John Brown's Ken Lay's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, But his soul goes marching on...'
Many commented, few were quoted. Ah, the fickle fifteen minutes of anonymous fame.....
July 2000, meet July 2006: "I want a coroner's report, pictures, and a DNA test of the body," wrote one commenter at Metafilter.com.
Many commented, few were quoted. Ah, the fickle fifteen minutes of anonymous fame.....
Mihail passes, sorrow ensues
I wanted to let the Metafilter community know that MiHail of the portabella mushroom fame died in February while waiting for a liver transplant. She was my best friend and soul mate. Rest in peace, Cathy. You are missed.
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