3 posts tagged with OnTheRoad.
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Slogging On the Road
I'm not the only one reading On the Road for the MeCha discussion starting August 16, am I? Now that we voted, and I lost, hope all you victors in our poll, and maybe some of the rest of us who were in the minority, are plugging away at this book. [more inside]
The Votes Are In!
For those dying to know which is the next choice of the MetaFilter Book Club on the U.S. Novel post 1945, the votes have been counted! And to my surprise, On the Road edged ahead as the next MeFi Book Club choice. Please begin reading soon, and find time to review the two Yale Prof. Amy Hungerford lectures on the book. The MetaChat thread to discuss the book will go up on August 16. [more inside]
Shall We Book Club Some More?
The recent MetaChat book club gathering to discuss Lolita was very enjoyable.
So, is there interest in arranging another, to discuss the next book in Yale Professor Amy Hungerford's course on The American Novel Since 1945? That next book is On the Road. [more inside]