4 posts tagged with Permalink.
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Happy significant numerical birthday, PB

PB celebrates his birthday today, as indicated by a tweet from mathowie... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Aug 30, 2013 - 74 comments

Permalink issues

This post has a link that points to the homepage of some site with the article everyone wants to blather on about. But, the posted link is not a permalink -- this is, the other is not.

It's hard enough linking to sites that might disappear in a year or so, making the archives redundant, but to link in this slipshod way will probably make this post defunct within a week, month? Perhaps a little tiny wee blurb on the posting page would help?

Itty Bitty Rant Over. Comments please.
posted by gsb on May 12, 2005 - 11 comments

Behold: New York Times Link Generator.

Behold: New York Times Link Generator. Paste your NYT URL and voila!
A link to the article of your choice which won't evaporate after two weeks.
Via Calpundit.
posted by y2karl on Feb 16, 2004 - 7 comments

MetaTalk posts now have permalinks!

Oh - I just added permalinks to MetaTalk posts (since someone asked in another thread).
posted by mathowie on Jun 21, 2000 - 1 comment

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