2 posts tagged with PhoBWanKenobi.
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PhoBWanKenobi makes xojane!

Hooray for MeFi's own PhoBWanKenobi, who was interviewed for this xojane piece, "Phoebe North Talks About Her New YA Novel "Starbreak," Writing, Parenting, Faith -- And Sexy Plants." Congratulations! I asked PhoBWanKenobi if she was OK with me posting this, and she gave me the go-ahead.
posted by MonkeyToes on Jul 14, 2014 - 41 comments

PhoBWanKenobi's debut

Today I picked up Starglass, the first book by mighty Metafilterian PhoBWanKenobi. I've dragged myself away from it, barely, to eat and drink and go to the bathroom -- and to post these congratulations to her for writing an exciting, introspectively illuminating novel. [more inside]
posted by Harvey Kilobit on Jul 20, 2013 - 153 comments

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