2 posts tagged with Royal.
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The royal privilege

Regarding the mod note in the royal wedding thread, why are we pushing an unabashed royalist view of this spectacle? Should any negativity of this really be off limits?
posted by gnuhavenpier on May 18, 2018 - 197 comments

MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment

What if everyone ponied up, say, five bucks to a PayPal account? That's $70K. We make that our max bid, and if we lose, we either get it back or make a donation to a music charity.

While the MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment sounds noble, it would likely have to be conducted "off-site, yet in spirit". (Unless Matt's anxious for another burgeoning project to worry over...)

So how do we bell this cat, and how many brave mice want to participate?
posted by Smart Dalek on Jan 14, 2004 - 10 comments

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