3 posts tagged with Utility.
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Is there a MeFi distinguished service cross?

Can the you guys put some at least put some oak leaf clusters or something on You's profile page - for this? [more inside]
posted by Kid Charlemagne on Feb 25, 2009 - 255 comments


How is favoriting every single comment (in several different threads) different from any other kind of crapflood? It dilutes what (arguably little) utility the favorites have for anyone else, and annoys me because I haven't had coffee yet.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Aug 28, 2007 - 232 comments

Innocuous Comments Being Deleted in askme

AskMe deletions, again. I know it's annoying to hear us all complain about deletions constantly, but it seems like a lot of innocuous comments are getting axed. I understand not insulting the poster, or making just "wisecracks" (which in my mind are by definition at the expense of the poster) but does every bit of human interaction that doesn't quite solve the question -- but does engage with the poster in a respectful way -- need to go?
posted by occhiblu on Jun 28, 2006 - 60 comments

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