7 posts tagged with WaPo.
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The glamorous life of a wildlife biologist

While following a troop of sooty mangabeys, monkeys found in the forests of Ivory Coast, Boston University primatologist [and MeFi’s own] Erin Kane walked face-first into a tree. Almost instantly, her eye became red, itchy and watery, but she went on following her monkeys. After about half an hour more of discomfort, she got nervous and asked her field assistant to take a look.

He found a tick embedded on the inside of Kane's eyelid.

"Poor Richard," Kane said of the assistant on that 2012 expedition. "He was also the person who squeezed botflies out of my armpit for me because I couldn't get the leverage quite right."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a day in the life of a wildlife biologist.
posted by Johnny Wallflower on Sep 22, 2017 - 54 comments

Content blocking websites are garbage and should be flagged.

A recent FPP is completely unviewable. I tried - it blocks me from viewing, demanding an email address and agreeing to a complicated TOS just to RTFA. Websites like wapo, wired, telegraph, etc are actually impossible to view for many users, and I am surprised that links to them are allowed in FPPs. [more inside]
posted by special agent conrad uno on May 14, 2016 - 93 comments

Jessamyn on moderation

Advice for the accidental community manager at The Coral Project ("a multi-year collaboration between Mozilla, The Washington Post and The New York Times designed to lead experiments in community growth and management, seeking ways to improve the state of user-generated contributions on the internet through open-source software.")
posted by beagle on Jan 22, 2016 - 17 comments

WaPo paywall

Could we try to avoid linking to Washington Post articles? [more inside]
posted by Chocolate Pickle on Jan 21, 2016 - 104 comments

Congressional votes database designed by mefites, wins award

washingtonpost.com's Congressional votes database just won an EPpy. So what? The site was developed by two of our guys.
posted by MrMoonPie on May 19, 2006 - 6 comments

MeFi Press mention: Washington Post

WaPo "In a recent discussion on the MetaFilter community blog"
posted by shoepal on Jan 5, 2006 - 29 comments

Deletion of crackpot theory fpp called into question

This post was deleted for the following reason: crazy speculation with a source, but no support for crackpot theory.
Okay, we have many crackpot theories to grace the front page, and a good number in recent history have made it without oodles of support. The discussion was good and mostly civil, and honestly, this criteria seems a tish subjective.
Not much of a MeFi gadfly here, but just sayin'.
posted by moonbird on Sep 7, 2005 - 24 comments

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