9 posts tagged with about.
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Site Update #2, 2020

Hello again, Metafilter! It's time for another update on the state of the site. Comments are turned off for these, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 14, 2020 - 0 comments

Go on, spill it.

Everyone is most likely familiar with the Profile page's "About" section explanatory text: "What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say 'wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?' Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.' I am curious if anybody's user name actually WAS inspired by an email from a long-lost friend. [more inside]
posted by Celsius1414 on May 2, 2016 - 115 comments

In other breaking news, Hurricane Katrina. Wow.

So the first MeFi Projects post was four and a half years ago. Isn't it time to change this copy? [more inside]
posted by The Winsome Parker Lewis on Apr 13, 2010 - 11 comments

Commentary in FPPs?

A lot of posts get deleted because they have too much "commentary" but in the metafilter about section it describes an ideal post as a link accompanied by commentary, perhaps this should be changed? [more inside]
posted by kylej on Dec 19, 2009 - 54 comments

The day has come.

We're going to be experimenting with some gentle scaling back of Metafilter's scope and services. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 1, 2009 - 472 comments

"wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?"

While you're cleaning up the profile pages, could we get rid of the redundant "About" text? [more inside]
posted by eyeballkid on Dec 12, 2007 - 84 comments

About TextAds

I looked on the about page, the front page, and elsewhere, but could not find a single link to the adwords page. Big barrier to entry that.
Also, would it be possible to use the adwords on other sites by including a piece of code, etc?
posted by Neale on Feb 3, 2002 - 8 comments

Tomorrow's New York Times today

Tomorrow's New York Times today:

c.2001 New York Times News Service

The Trellix Corp., which lets clients like About.com provide site-building tools and Web server space to their users, will announce Monday that it has licensed Pyra's Blogger technology for an undisclosed sum.
The free Blogger service brought Pyra plenty of attention and great press, but plans to introduce a paid version never materialized, and late last year Pyra, based in San Francisco, laid off all but one full-time employee, Evan Williams, a company co-founder. The meltdown was documented in painful detail on the personal Web logs of Pyra's staff, and Blogger fans feared the service would soon vanish.

"I've been struggling to figure out the business part,’" Williams said, adding that the agreement with Trellix would keep Blogger alive. He plans to help Trellix package Blogger functions with its other site-building tools, bringing the Web log concept to a wider audience.
Dan Bricklin, the founder and chief technical officer of Trellix and a PC industry veteran, said he was "a devout believer in the power of blogging for self-expression," and that he "didn’t want Blogger to go under."

posted by luke on Apr 15, 2001 - 5 comments

an About page for MetaTalk?

Matt, have you ever considered writing an About page for MetaTalk? I remember distinctly the first time I visited a MeTa thread from a MeFi thread; I didn't know what was going on. What was this MeFi-looking thing? Why was it a seperate site? Etc. The blurb at the top of the home page didn't really help much. I don't know that there's a whole lot to be said about the site, but a little more explanation would have been nice. Maybe just an elaboration of why it isn't MeFi, because it really took me a while to understand the distinction. Maybe an About page would be unnecessary, but it seems like there's an absence of information on the subject. Plus, "About MetaTalk" would do a nice job of filling up that other void, the one up there under "MetaFilter Home."
posted by Lirp on Mar 23, 2001 - 2 comments

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