6 posts tagged with accuracy.
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Why would people think Metafilter censors posts critical of police?

Why would people think that Metafilter routinely deletes posts critical of police? Possibly because it says so on Metafilter. In a thread regarding Facebooks's deletion policies, there was a comment that claimed "Facebook (like MetaFilter) routinely deletes posts criticizing police." [more inside]
posted by layceepee on Jun 28, 2017 - 143 comments

Just the facts, m'am

In a post about Colin Kaeperneck and the Star Spangled Banner, Potomac Avenue attributed to Kaeperneck statements the quarterback did not make. In response to a question I asked in the comments, Potomac Avenue acknowledged the attribution was based on a misreading of one of the articles linked to the post. However, this did not result in a correction of the error of fact that’s contained in the original post. [more inside]
posted by layceepee on Aug 29, 2016 - 58 comments

Audio Audit

How accurate exactly is the Play Counter in Music? [more inside]
posted by mediocre on Oct 3, 2008 - 12 comments

33 comments (33 new)

Would it be possible to have more accurate counts of the number of new posts in a thread based on my most recent comments? I know currently it's generated based on a cookie, but that doesn't work if you read MeFi from multiple computers or if you don't look at the frontpage. It also doesn't take into account my comments like the Recent Activity page does. If there are 33 new comments, but comment #17 is mine, shouldn't the count reflect that? (33 comments (16 new)) instead of thinking all 33 are new?
posted by blue_beetle on Jul 5, 2007 - 23 comments

"New" count not accurate

AskMe tells me, "There have been no new questions and 146 comments posted since your last visit." But there have actually been four new questions since my last visit.
posted by PrinceValium on Jul 12, 2004 - 3 comments

New comment counter nice idea, not accurate

So whenever I access MeFi, and it is supposed to have that nice little new comments next to the thread to let me know how many new comments have been posted, it does one of the following:

1. Picks a random number.
2. Never refreshes.
3. Relates wild tales of sexual debauchery with my mother.

OK, so the last one only rarely. But seriously, what's up with that?

posted by lazaruslong on Dec 11, 2002 - 47 comments

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