7 posts tagged with advertisements.
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Don't be shy Mefi! Invite banner for non-members

Accessing metafilter while logged out for a couple of months on my work laptop and it's only today I finally noticed the narrow green banner at the top inviting me to join. I appreciate the site's commitment to a text-based calm UI but surely this can be boosted some more before it's a blinking pop-up with a stock photo woman urging you that hot singles are in your conversation now. Ditto for the sign up page - the call to action is a text link at the very bottom after a screen full of text. Can we be more welcoming/inviting for non-members?
posted by dorothyisunderwood on Oct 15, 2021 - 7 comments

Ads appearing in lower right hand corner of posts?

Starting this morning, I have seen sporadic ads in the lower right-hand corner of the screen while reading posts on MeFi and Ask, even while logged in. They display first as a grey and orange bar, like so; when I hover over the bar, it expands into a set of ads (for "coupons" nominally linked to keywords in the post). Have I been hit with spyware, or is this happening to others? (I am running Chrome on Windows 7; this is definitely not a browser extension I have installed.)
posted by jeudi on Sep 1, 2013 - 7 comments

SLYT My Wrists

If we're going to have a higher bar for Palestine threads, we need a higher bar for viral adverts and cats being funny. Just like we need something to go on beyond GRARbait, we need something a bit deeper than Cute Overload-fodder or verbatim, analysis/critique-free reposts of ads from corporate channels on Youtube.

This is a problem in the same way that all the news sites running the same fluff stories is a problem: If we're going to have the same content as everywhere else, why should Metafilter even exist?

I appreciate the site for when we can have interesting conversations about things most of us didn't know about yet- but we all already know about cute cats and funny adverts. There are other websites where you can watch nothing but that, all day. We need to have a standard that's higher than the rest of the Net. [more inside]
posted by dunkadunc on Mar 16, 2013 - 223 comments

Remember to disable adblock

Does anyone not do this? [more inside]
posted by inedible on Jan 13, 2011 - 89 comments

“Ads? in *my* feed?” / It's more likely than you think.

Advertisements in the RSS feed? Given that Matt has written before about his disdain for this bullshit, what gives?
posted by blasdelf on Feb 11, 2009 - 59 comments

Sometimes the ads really are the best thing on AskMe

Sometimes the ads really are the best thing on AskMe [more inside]
posted by Riemann on Dec 22, 2008 - 20 comments

Visibility of ads

I may be missing something obvious (checked previous metatalk queries) but this post has an advert in it shown in Firefox but not in IE. The advert is for www.ecological.co.uk. Is there a reason for it? I don't remember an adverts on/off feature.
posted by movilla on Jun 28, 2006 - 5 comments

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