3 posts tagged with advertising by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Deck ads on The Blue

In the ongoing effort to decrease our reliance on Google's Adsense and stabilize ad income, we'll be soon showing ads for The Deck (same as we currently do on the front pages of all the sites) on MetaFilter discussion thread pages, for both logged in, and logged out users on desktops (mobile will continue to show Adsense ads). It will look something like this screenshot. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 3, 2014 - 49 comments

New ads coming to MeFi (yes, for users, but only on the front page, and hideable)

New ads from The Deck will start showing up on front pages tomorrow, but don't worry, you can turn them off. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Sep 30, 2010 - 113 comments

Suicide Girls TextAds

So yeah, suicide girls. After some teeth gnashing, and asking all my female friends about taking on suicide girls image ads on mefi, I decided to take them (they seem tasteful to me -- I dropped the ones showing too much skin) with the caveat that a simple click and anyone could hide them forever. Here's what I said when I took their first textad long ago and the same applies here. They are as racy as I will go, and this won't start a slippery slope as they're the exception to the rule.
posted by mathowie on Feb 2, 2005 - 617 comments

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