2 posts tagged with anonymousquestions.
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Pony Request: Email Notifications for Anon Questions?

When I submit an anonymous AskMe question, it would be great to have some way to track it. I've had situations where I've thought a question was removed from the queue because I missed it on the front page of the Green, or where I have gone back and tried to find a past anon question of mine and not had an easy way to locate it. An email notification when it gets posted would help me solve these problems. Is there any reason I haven't thought of why this wouldn't work, or would be a bad idea?
posted by capricorn on Jul 10, 2015 - 18 comments

will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions?

Stet's question reminds me: will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions? I'm sure there are lots of people out there with things to ask that they don't want brought up when they're running for office...
posted by bonaldi on Oct 10, 2004 - 2 comments

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