6 posts tagged with awesome and metafilter.
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You're awesome MetaFilter. Best of the web indeed!

There have been some amazing posts hitting the front page lately and I just wanted to have a place to say thanks. Also, it's an excuse to have a thread where we can just be positive and nice to each other. You're awesome and I like this place and I'm always finding something new and interesting. So thank you to everyone. Those who post and those who comment. And even those who lurk. :)
posted by Fizz on Aug 29, 2017 - 26 comments

A gentle request from your Health Month organizer

It's almost a new month, and we all know Health Month is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Team MetaFilter is reserved for actual MeFites. I've now got a dozen requests to join the team from people whose names on Health Month don't match users on MetaFilter. I don't want to needlessly blow people off. If you have asked to join the team, and haven't been added, please shoot me a message on MeMail, and I will add you posthaste so that you can get rolling for August. Thanks!
posted by ambrosia on Jul 31, 2013 - 57 comments

In Praise of Faze

Valiant defender of the bucolic splendors of suburbia, sprawl, and the Midwest. [more inside]
posted by leotrotsky on Dec 9, 2011 - 232 comments

Onions and puppies and the sky in my eyes...

Politics and eulogies and hand-waving in my heart... [more inside]
posted by panaceanot on Dec 22, 2010 - 33 comments

Thank you.

Hello. Thank you. This is my official post hospital, hotel and apartment update. [more inside]
posted by loquacious on Jun 18, 2010 - 117 comments

Today is what Metafilter is all about.

Yet another shoutout for a MeFite going above and beyond the call of duty in real life: HopperFan. [more inside]
posted by Unicorn on the cob on Nov 24, 2008 - 38 comments

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