11 posts tagged with axegrinding.
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Question on the Blue
I knew about open Snowden threads of course, but the G20 surveillance news really wasn't being discussed elsewhere. I though a new thread might spark an interesting conversation about what effects this might have on the G8 meeting. Also we'd no G8 thread. Also we hadn't discussed GCHQ. Sadly, my post did not inspire a discussion that diverged significantly from the existing threads, maybe my /. link screwed it up, not sure. Anyways, if anyone has easy tips for quieting the early thread axe grinds then I'd be interested to hear them. I suppose more links about GCHQ would've helped, but probably not much, and that's more work. Would it have been out of line for me to have simply ended the post with a question like : Do we know how this will impact the G8 meeting?
Why is it only axe grinding if certain people say so?
This post was deleted for the following reason: this is an axegrindy HC post. I know it's election time and all, but it's too early for "your favorite candidate sucks" posts and if you have issues with the way other political posts have been handled, it would be better to take those to Metatalk or your own blog. -- jessamyn [more inside]
Yet another why was it deleted : repulitards or kids with troubles ?
What's the line between axegrinding (this axegrinding ? or some kind of GodWin rule ? ) which caused the deletion of this post of mine and showing the psycological troubles of bunch of indoctrinated kids that are just parrotting talking points ? It this better and/or acceptable , because it clearly (?) shows a nascar redneck or because he makes fun of Michael Moore, therefore it must be "republitard" BUT it fits under "satire/comedy ?" I tolerate deletion with no problem, and may even accept that I was deemed brutal and deleted, but I would like to understand where the borderline could be, according to you guys.
Bush sucks, deleted
What happened to the thread on the Presidential speech?..
Hey, my monthly political hobbyhorse is recurring!
"Hey, my monthly political hobbyhorse is recurring! C'mon guys, it's important!"
If we have to play with the "party" as metaphor, I throw the relentless proslytizers out before I bother with folks who call each other bad names.
"Hey, my monthly political hobbyhorse is recurring! C'mon guys, it's important!"
If we have to play with the "party" as metaphor, I throw the relentless proslytizers out before I bother with folks who call each other bad names.
A grand experiment in this phenomenon
Is y2karl's compulsive 'make huge extract, link and run' behaviour a grand experiment in this phenomenon?
Please define axe-grinding
What, exactly, do you mean when you say "axe-grinding". The term gets thrown around here a lot, maybe more then "strawman" these days.
What neverending ax grinding?
uh, what neverending ax grinding? More inside.
The weight of agenda.
The weight of agenda. Can the burden not be borne on personal weblogs?
Newsy pet-issue post.
Newsy pet-issue post. Goose or Gander?
Is Metafilter the place to post PSAs now?