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Metatalk search feature and bad tag closure requests.

1. A search feature for MetaTalk ... I’m too lazy to see if any of my requests have been posted before.

2. When I’m on the feature requests page & click on Post a new thread, it would be cool if the default category was feature requests. I almost posted this to bugs, actually. I don’t mean because I thought it was a bug ... I mean I almost posted my requests to the bugs section because it’s the default category.

3. Something that automatically closes italic and bold tags (or links, &c.) for forgetful authors. It could get rid of things like http://http:// at the beginning of a link. I don’t know if this has ever been a problem. You could issue the author a warning if he tries posting a malformed link; e.g., http:// all by itself or something.
posted by gleemax on Mar 2, 2001 - 3 comments

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