11 posts tagged with baking.
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Cookie Swapping in the Time of COVID?

Is it feasible to do a cookie swap this year? What say you, lovely mefites? [more inside]
posted by chara on Nov 18, 2020 - 29 comments

How about some fun community indoor activities?

I can already tell I'm going to get hungry for more human interaction. Inspired by stuff like the "Quarantine Cooking" article by mefi's own beijingbrown and the article about Japanese "drinking online" and Chinese "cloud raves," I'm wondering if we could do some fun social stuff as a group that would make things less lonely. [more inside]
posted by hungrytiger on Mar 15, 2020 - 68 comments

The Great Mefi Cookie Swap 2019

Lovely mefities, Cookie Swapping Season is nigh! Sign up by December 1 to get in on all of this deliciousness. [more inside]
posted by chara on Nov 18, 2019 - 38 comments

MeFi Cookie Swap 2018

Hello Mefites! We are rum-balls-deep into the holiday season, which means it's time for the Great Annual MeFi Cookie Swap! The sign up deadline is December 5 this year, so don't delay, sign up today! [more inside]
posted by chara on Nov 28, 2018 - 73 comments

The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2017: sign up today!

It’s been A Year, and we here at cookie swap central would like to bring baked joy to as many MeFites across the globe as possible. If you'd like to bring edible tidings of cheer to people’s lives this month, read on. [more inside]
posted by ausdemfenster on Nov 18, 2017 - 120 comments

2016 can't ruin COOKIES baked by the internet!

Welcome to the 2016 Metafilter Cookie Swap! It's time for another round of cookie adjudication, recipe sharing, and sugar-fueled meetups all over the world! If you'd like to bring a small bit of joy to someone else's life this month, read on. To sign up, please take a few minutes to fill out and submit the google form below by November 25th: Cookie Swap Signup As in past years, I will arrange bakers into swap groups of ~4 and send out group assignments by November 27th. You will then be tasked with sending at least 6 cookies to each of your group's MetaBakers. While this means you are on the hook for a minimum of 18 cookies, you should likely bake extra for other creatures in your home who will make sad eyes at you until you share your cookies with them. To maximize the chances that holiday travel won't ruin everything, the mailing deadline for this year's swap is Monday, December 5th. Let the baking begin!
posted by ausdemfenster on Nov 13, 2016 - 119 comments

The Great Metafilter Cookie Swap 2015: sign up here!

Strangers from the internet will bake you cookies and mail them to your home! [more inside]
posted by ausdemfenster on Nov 16, 2015 - 190 comments

FACT: Cookies baked by the internet taste better than other cookies!

The annual Metafilter Holiday Cookie Swap: signups have begun! [more inside]
posted by ausdemfenster on Nov 11, 2014 - 132 comments

Cookies! Baked with love by the internet!

The great Metafilter Holiday-Adjacent Cookie Swap of 2013: signups have begun! [more inside]
posted by ausdemfenster on Nov 24, 2013 - 116 comments

Cookie swap

In ancient times, our forebearers celebrated the coming of Northern Hemisphere winter with a Cookie Swap. Join the fun! [more inside]
posted by shothotbot on Nov 18, 2012 - 138 comments

Yes, more internet-bacon stuff

MeFi's own EmpressCallipygos and Greg Nog appeared on Good Morning America during the Bacon Takedown on Sunday in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. [more inside]
posted by Optimus Chyme on Apr 1, 2009 - 42 comments

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