3 posts tagged with beanplate.
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Beanplating the term beanplate?

Where and when exactly did the term beanplating originate? [more inside]
posted by addelburgh on Dec 13, 2013 - 45 comments

A Plate of Venns

This hand-drawn Venn diagram that recently became semi-viral (via the usual chart-themed blogs) seemed MetaFilter-Related to me because it actually looks like a plate of beans, and note the legend for the outermost circle.
posted by oneswellfoop on May 7, 2012 - 35 comments

This plate of beans, it vibrates?

In a recent thread about Metafilter memes, I used the phrase "Beanplate Insane" to describe my own sense of frustration with certain over-indulged inside jokes on the site. It occurred to me that it would only be appropriate to have an exclusive inside phrase to go along with those exclusive inside jokes, so I submitted "Beanplate Insane" to the editors of the Urban Dictionary, who officially approved the listing a couple days ago and have now posted the term with my Metafilter-specific definition.
posted by misha on Aug 17, 2011 - 62 comments

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