4 posts tagged with boingboing and mathowie.
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mathowie on the vote!

mathowie's opinion on the nerd vote has been posted over at boingboing.fyi.
posted by dr. moot on Oct 24, 2008 - 94 comments

Matt on BoingBoing's podcast.

Matt on BoingBoing's podcast. The question remains - will mathowie's voice sound like I imagine? I imagine he sounds like a cross between Barry White and Barry Gibb.
posted by SassHat on Jan 18, 2007 - 8 comments

Mathowie on boingboing

So our favorite via site has a podcast. Number 1 is on the most recent episode.
posted by ajpresto on Jan 17, 2007 - 29 comments

what's "MetaFilter Matt" doing making ponies for Boing Boing

I don't mean to be prick (okay, maybe, but a funny one), but what's "MetaFilter Matt" doing making ponies for Boing Boing, when we have a million things for him to do here?
posted by wendell on Apr 9, 2004 - 48 comments

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