2 posts tagged with boredpanda.
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Bored enough to look at AskMeFi

Apparently someone at Bored Panda just spotted an old AskMeFi question that was answered by Mefi's own Adam Savage. And they posted about it. You can read it here. [more inside]
posted by Too-Ticky on Mar 18, 2019 - 6 comments

Agregation sites as FPPs

These seem to be a lot of FPPs that are links to aggregation sites that pretty much take content other people have done, put a bunch of it together, and add ads. For instance, since the beginning of May this year, there have been 20 FPPs that include links to BoredPanda. (link is to a search of metafilter for instances of boredpanda) There are fewer links to similar sites like Viral Nova
posted by larrybob on Aug 7, 2017 - 103 comments

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