6 posts tagged with but.
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Calling all Cards!

Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
posted by The Underpants Monster on Feb 7, 2018 - 38 comments

Featuring MeFi's own MetaFilter

The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the creation of the library's Web Cultures Web Archive Collection. Archived sites of note run the gamut from Urban Dictionary to ¡Cuánto cabrón! to creepypasta to MeFi's own Metafilter. [h/t]
posted by Room 641-A on Jul 5, 2017 - 44 comments

connection failure instead of a thread

Bug: When trying to go to this thread, I get a connection failure instead of a thread. It happens consistently, while others work.
posted by SpecialK on Nov 10, 2004 - 6 comments

Count comment disparity

Currently the front page indicates the mothersmoker thread has 106 posts, but its count inside the thread rests at 103. Why the disparity? (and, no, I did not count to see which is correct)
posted by NortonDC on Mar 27, 2002 - 4 comments

"My comments" year not included

If I use the 'My Comments' option on the front page, it has started showing my comments posted this time last year, I guess there's no year included in the search.
posted by Markb on Apr 24, 2001 - 0 comments

MeTa mashup

MetaTalk bug: On the metafilter-specific page, anildash's post of March 21 is being lumped in with majikman's post from today. Both are listed as being posted March 28.
posted by aaron on Mar 28, 2001 - 5 comments

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