2 posts tagged with catalog.
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The Joy of FPPing

To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 7, 2012 - 119 comments

XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue

OK, trying to figure if this is appropriate or not.
I mean this - NSFW NSFW or many, many, many other places. May be NSFHome either, depending on your home, most homes probably. It's XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue. Seems like it's an "interesting" phenomenon, but I do realize that the content is pretty friggin' iffy. But it's a genre unlike any I've ever seen. Makes you look. Perhaps not at the clothes but...
PS, it's extremely slow to load, and when you load it, it's porn, but it's also a clothing catalogue. Regular clothing. But it's porn, totally porn (tab A in slot B type porn).
Thought I'd try it here first, rather than the blue. Not really appropriate here either, but... Shit, I don't know, it just didn't seem right for an FPP, but seemed really interesting to me too. Go figure.
posted by johngumbo on Mar 24, 2006 - 31 comments

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