5 posts tagged with clubs.
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Duolingo Japanese Club

Duolingo now offers Japanese! (For iOS and Android phones, only. No web-based presence yet.) Since some Mefites previously expressed interest in Japanese, I wanted to invite folks to join the Metafilter Japanese Club I created on Duolingo. [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings on Jul 20, 2017 - 26 comments

Duolingo Clubs

Duolingo has added clubs, to allow people to learn languages together. So for Mefites who'd like to all come and Duolingo together I made a club. Come join a club and we can all learn together. [more inside]
posted by Just this guy, y'know on Jan 29, 2017 - 78 comments

Let's talk about books, baby / let's talk about lit'racy

Books! We gingerly dipped a toe into books on FanFare late last year, and this seems like as good a time as any to talk about sticking a whole foot in. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Mar 3, 2016 - 76 comments

Strange Club

After some discussion, it looks like there's enough interest, so I'm starting up Strange Club on FanFare. It's all about the strange, sublime, arty, and unclassifiable. Join up, and vote for the first viewing here. We're also welcoming film suggestions and ideas for the club over in the discussion thread.
posted by naju on Aug 5, 2015 - 19 comments

FanFare Clubs and event calendar

We're super excited to roll out an initial version of a new feature: FanFare Clubs! This is a system for formally collecting a variety of FanFare media threads and discussions together in an organized way on the site itself, and to schedule upcoming club events on-site as well. We'd love your help testing it out. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 22, 2015 - 57 comments

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