2 posts tagged with comics by The Whelk.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Good luck serving Spider-Man with supoena!

Jedicus and valkyryn pose with their metafilter project, The Law Of Superheroes (previously)
posted by The Whelk on Oct 13, 2012 - 40 comments

Surely I can;t be the only comics nerd round here?

Last Minute Manhattan MoCCa Meet-up! Despite my sprained ankle, Me and my Other have decided to go to the Museum Of Comics And Cartoon Art Festival on 26th and Lexington. Any other mefities going and fancy a pint or eight afterwards? Say 5ish? [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Jun 6, 2009 - 6 comments

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