4 posts tagged with comments and length.
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How long is too long? - comments edition

Long comments can be difficult for some users to read, navigate, manage. At what point does a comment get to be unwieldy for those reading it? [more inside]
posted by kristi on Jan 14, 2022 - 62 comments

Fighty gladiator thunderdome

This FPP's typical and relatively successful feminism discussion devolved into a mano a mano between DNye and myself. I admittedly took his bait and engaged; my bad. This led to DNye's epic 3,600 word comment (plus addendum and corrections). I'm trying to disengage in that topic 1 2 as I try to avoid pissing matches these days. He wants to keep on fightin' 1 2 so I'm asking him to bring it here. [more inside]
posted by msalt on Jun 15, 2010 - 210 comments

What was the longest thread about, anyway?

Seeing this recent MeTa thread at 378 comments made me wonder what the longest pan-MetaFilter thread was. I came up with this from August 24, 2001 at a whopping 1729 comments (apparently some kind of record), but they're context-less (for me, at least) because the link to the "metafilter parody" that the post refers to is gone. Can anyone slake my thirst for MetaFilter history and supply the parody that inspired such prolific commenting?
posted by scblackman on Nov 17, 2007 - 37 comments

Comment length hard limit?

(Minor issue, but) is there a character limit on comments?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Apr 2, 2007 - 59 comments

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