9 posts tagged with comments and posting.
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Opera Mini and MeFi: Two Great Tastes That Taste Assy Together
Can't comment from Opera Mini on a Blackberry. [more inside]
@please @make @it @stop!
A reminder: @newpeople, using @username as a form of reply is discouraged on @MetaFilter. This isn't @twitter. [more inside]
"Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."
I'm trying to post in this thread... I can preview, but when I try to post I just get "Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."... and I'm pretty sure my comment is not blank...
Comment post preview acting weird
Preview and final post modes have diverged. I keep seeing complaints, after munged or garbled messages, about how 'it looked fine in preview!' [bit more inside]
What happend in this thread on Spodee?
What happend in this thread on Spodee? My comment is cut off in the middle and the posting box is screwed up.
Comment Requirements before Asking a Question
Could we please not allow someone to start an Ask MeFi thread before they have contributed to the site by posting comments somewhere? It is really not too much to ask. I know this could be abused by someone posting periods or "What so and so said", etc. I wonder if there is an elegant solution.
A Word of Advice for New Users, From Your Uncle y6y6y6
A few words to our new users, from someone hardly qualified to give them. [more inside]
When to Post
How important, with MeFi or Meta posts and comments, are extraneous factors like time, caffeine, midwork intervals or alcohol? Is there really a before and after coffee; a morning and late night inflection; according to how long you've been up and what you've ingested to get through the day? I think there is. Is the time-stamp your best counsellor and friend? Specially considering the wildly disparate time-zones? No names mentioned; just saying. In my humble opinion, the hour (and the perceived condition or, more generally, circumstances) says as much as the name. If not more.
Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?
Posting personal information from a member's site with the intention of ridiculing them?