18 posts tagged with content.
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please consider content warnings for AI interaction

i would like to respectfully ask the community to please consider placing some textual warnings in FPP text when linking directly to websites that will lead to interaction with chatGPT or similar machine-learning systems. [more inside]
posted by glonous keming on May 12, 2023 - 195 comments

Ways to make posts more accessible for neurodivergent folks

FPPs whose links are only to videos aren't very accessible to many neurodivergent people. Many people aren't aware of this. Wondering how to make things better here on Metafilter. [more inside]
posted by Sheydem-tants on Jun 29, 2021 - 26 comments

The challenges facing today's libraries and librarians

A fifty minute interview with Jessamyn, interviewed by Lauren Sergy. Topics include why Jessamyn went to library school, diversity, employment in the library sector, pay equality, technology, and other aspects of being a contemporary librarian.
posted by Wordshore on Sep 15, 2017 - 10 comments

How you know you're living in a Mallory Ortberg Toast article

when there are three links to her stuff on the front page [more inside]
posted by klangklangston on Jan 30, 2015 - 288 comments

How can we make trigger and/or content warnings useful?

People who find trigger and content warnings helpful: what makes a good warning, and how can we format those better? [more inside]
posted by NoraReed on Nov 8, 2014 - 69 comments

How do you decide which tags to include?

When constructing FPPs for the blue, how do you determine which tags to use? Nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, things that appear in your post, things that don't appear in your post, number of tags? I'm rarely ... no, never ... happy with the tags I assign to a post and wonder if they are rubbish, and future readers interested in the subject will never find it because of insufficient tagging, or readers not interested in the post will come across it because of vague or overdone tagging. Reminded of this issue when looking at, and admiring, the (IMHO) beautifully contextual and comprehensive tagging that has gone into that post. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 6, 2013 - 67 comments

Cheezburger scraping content from Cortex

Garkov posted on Cheezburger dot com: Garfield comics randomly generated by a spambot algorithm
posted by kittensofthenight on Feb 13, 2013 - 19 comments

Cat on a Scanner

Not a call out of anyone specifically, and certainly "be the change you want to see" but the front page today is comprised entirely of one-liners, mostly SYTL. Maybe it's decompression from the August Best Post Contest, but typically MetaFilter is known for it's "essay-like" posts and it feels like reddit today. [more inside]
posted by four panels on Aug 23, 2012 - 105 comments

Accessibility vs. access

Nieman Lab mentions MeFi in an an article about the importance of content curation.
posted by reenum on Aug 23, 2011 - 52 comments

Wiki addition

I've created a new page on the wiki for images. [more inside]
posted by pjern on Apr 9, 2011 - 40 comments

Splice URLs

I'm curious as to whether MetaFilter is related in any way to SpliceToday. Are there MeFites contributing, is it a project? [more inside]
posted by chavenet on Mar 16, 2010 - 80 comments

Give it a watch and a listen, but not just a listen.

What's the difference in MeFi-comment-worthiness between posting a link to a Youtube video of a song and an actual mp3 of the song itself? [more inside]
posted by circular on Feb 24, 2010 - 44 comments

There Goes Another One

This post shouldn't have been deleted. [more inside]
posted by Mike Buechel on Jan 23, 2010 - 248 comments

Content or quality?

I'm confused. What is more important to mefites, actually responding to the content of FPPs, or rating their quality? I see a general (hence, no links in this question) preponderance to the former. It seems that many responses to posts are actually rating the quality of it and/or the poster, rather than the content of the FPP. I've read a lot of the sites about Metafilter and maybe I'm missing a concept or something.

I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
posted by Slap Incognito on Dec 13, 2005 - 93 comments

Effect of MeFi on content

Altering the web in real time. Lately there have been some interesting examples of how a post on metafilter has caused change to the source immediately after it was posted. Millionforchrist made changes to it's stated privacy policy within an hour after being mentioned. Someone speculated a domain out from under this ask.me question, and also the whole real-time debate with LGF thread. What are some other recent examples of this kind of thing?
posted by milovoo on Apr 12, 2004 - 29 comments

Metafilter is not about us

MetaFilter is not about us; it's about what we find out there on the web. If so, we should be in the background of our posts if not outright invisible, and we should avoid phrasing our posts as personal blog entries. First example: "I found no post ... I only post it now ... as I see in my weblog's referer log ... that's how a few people found my site." Second example: " I hope ... I've searched ... It has special relevance to me since I am ... Being 25 and wanting to pay off my loans, I may have ... " And posts like this, which are all about personal experience and nothing else, are right out.
posted by mcwetboy on Dec 16, 2002 - 48 comments

Is there a trend towards subscription-required content, and what does this mean to us?

Subscription-based sites and weblogs: For better or for worse, Salon has long been a major staple of weblog news links, including front-page posts to MeFi. Now that their news and politics sections have become premium exclusives, will they still be useful to webloggers? And if this is the beginning of a trend towards more for-pay and less free content on the web, how will this affect link-based weblogs?
posted by harmful on Oct 8, 2001 - 18 comments

Metatalk comments not shown in profile

When I click on someone's user name, why doesn't it show their metatalk comments as well as their mefi ones? Am I missing something, or is that info just not available?
posted by rorycberger on Sep 24, 2001 - 5 comments

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