4 posts tagged with contests and mefi.
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Mefites' Choice 2014 winners, Week Four

It's the final week of the December Best Post contest, and the winner is EvaDestruction's incredibly interesting post about underground Soviet records made from old x-ray films. For the win, capricorn will send some delicious coffee, tea, or hot cocca to keep them warm. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 1, 2015 - 47 comments

August best post contest

August 1st is tomorrow, and that means a new BEST POST CONTEST!!! [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jul 31, 2012 - 159 comments

December Awesome Post Contest

A couple years back we did a best post contest in December (winners here). A couple days ago, anotherpanacea suggested we do it again, and it sounded like a good idea, so yeah, consider this the announcement of a December 2008 Awesomest Post of the Official Recession Contest. With Prizes. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Dec 1, 2008 - 67 comments

How about another Best Post contest?

I suggest we do another contest like amberglow's, on October 1 prehaps? There wouldd be no prizes from me but if someone else steps up and offers that would be ideal. I wont be posting anything because frankly I suck at posts lately. Anyone up to this? After all the crap/shit posts lately, we need happier MeFi days here!!
posted by wheelieman on Sep 19, 2005 - 28 comments

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