5 posts tagged with contribution.
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Le index est mort
After many years of service, jaden is no longer be maintaining his wonderful Mefi Contribution index. Results will now be frozen at mid-August. Thanks for running it for as long as you did, jaden!
Is it possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions?
Is it (would it be) possible to search for users based on # of posts/comments/questions? (Based on a few earlier threads, I'm curious as to how many accounts have been set up solely to ask question(s).)
How to determine Metafilter Contribution Quotient
I just wrote Dan Hersham asking this: Do you suppose there could be a way to determine Metafilter Contribution by word count? Could that be automated? Is this within the realm of possibility? How about by links in posts and comments, length per capita per person? And have you ever considered that MetaFilter is a gift culture , as is the so-called Hacker culture, where participants compete for prestige by giving time, energy, and creativity away in antagonistic cooperation, such as it is? Just wonderin'...
Pony - filter out semi-committed-participants
Obnoxious feature request: A user preference that allows me to avoid seeing all contributions by people who don't provide an email address or home page address in their profile.
Opening MeFi development?
Matt: I admittedly don't know much about the development process you use for Meta*, whether it's all you (which is the impression that I get) but have you ever considered opening it up?