5 posts tagged with creativity.
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What Are You Making Now 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hey everyone! This seems like as good a time as any for another “show us a thing you’ve made lately” post. Are you sewing something awesome? Steadfastly baking even in the atrocious heat? Running a role playing campaign? Organizing a community for a better world? It’s time to proudly show off your creations against. [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated on Jul 8, 2018 - 132 comments

Article on creativity in rural vs urban areas - help me find?

I *swear* I read an article here on MetaFilter about a study done that measured creative output in rural areas compared to urban ones. It found that urban areas had more creative output due to the higher concentration of creative types. There was synergy in being around other creative people that made you more creative yourself. I'm Googling and have searched the site but cannot find it. It was not a formal research paper but an article (that likely cited a study/studies). I'm helping with a UU sermon on creativity and would like to reference it if only I could find it! If it rings a bell for you, I'd greatly appreciate it!
posted by Twicketface on Apr 18, 2018 - 14 comments

MeFites With YouTube Channels

The lede: I've been having a great time getting to know Xingcat through his YouTube Channel, and I was wondering if there were other MeFites with channels. [more inside]
posted by Major Matt Mason Dixon on Nov 26, 2015 - 40 comments

Insert Title Here

This maybe just me with a particular writing hangup, but does anyone else find it difficult, sometimes have a "mental block", to come up with a title for the FPP they have constructed? End up sometimes spending more time on the title than constructing the rest of the FPP? Have abandoned FPPs as cannot come up with a decent title? Or have a fear that, no matter how good the FPP, a rubbish title will mean everyone will pass over it? Highly related; any tips for coming up with "good" (subjective, yes) titles. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 18, 2013 - 38 comments

Where does MetaFilter rank among your creative outlets?

Where does MetaFilter rank among your creative outlets? [more inside]
posted by Trurl on Mar 23, 2012 - 84 comments

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