7 posts tagged with daylightsavings.
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It's what time?
Is it possible to get "plus 21 hours offset" as a profile setting? I assumed when I went back to NZ that it was a daylight savings anomoly, but it hasn't seemed to autocorrect over time. Posted to MeTa in case I am missing something obvious that might help someone else later.
Just a question about daylight savings
Metafilter and Daylight Savings [More Inside]
Timezone identifiers are wrong
GMT is one hour off
Probably because of the US move to DST, the time stamp in GMT is one hour off (so that posts and comments are showing as having been made up to an hour in the future).
Timestamps off
MetaMystery: Something was funny about the FP (Front Page) of MeFi for me today: the date stamps on all the FPPs (Front Page Posts) were in Mountain Time (UTC-7) instead of the time zone I had specified, Pacific (UTC-8). Was that some Daylight/Standard time thing happening or did somebody figure out my password and change my specs? If so, please disregard any comments posted in my name so far today. Or is this really me posting this in MeTa? I get so confused.
I'm an hour behind
I've got AEST (UTC+10) selected as my time zone on MeFi - but it's an hour fast. Any idea why?
Daylight timestamp
I notice that all of the timestamps say 9:34 PST and yet in the Pacific time zone it's definitely Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Is that right? Is it actually corrected PST (which doesn't take into account daylight savings time so as not to confuse some of our International and Arizonan friends) or the wrong PST (which is actually PDT but was just stuck on there cuz it's cool).