2 posts tagged with deadpony.
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Dead Pony Request

ObitFilter - Maybe it's time. Awesome people seem to be dying at an unprecedented rate, and the MetaFilter Front Page is filling up with Obit posts. Frankly, it's getting depressing scrolling the main site and seeing obituary post after obituary post. When someone famous dies we can generally assume that someone will post about it. Why not create a new section for Obituaries Only. This will keep the Main Page from being cluttered up with obituaries all the time, while still providing a space for them. When someone prominent passes, we can post about it "on the black," and when people hear about someone passing they can go to ObitFilter to join in the grieving without being distracted by election posts, cat videos, etc.
posted by Cookiebastard on Apr 24, 2016 - 151 comments

I Don't Have Three Minutes to Change My Mind, Do I?

Whatever happened to the "Timed Editing" feature allowing corrections on comments/posts for 3 minutes after posting (pre-announced and tested here in December 2008)? Was it officially canceled, filed and forgotten, or implemented but Wendell's too stupid to figure out how to use it?
posted by wendell on Sep 27, 2009 - 199 comments

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