4 posts tagged with echo.
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"Alexa, play the MetaFilter Podcast."

Announcing the addition of the monthly MetaFilter Podcast and MeFi Music songs via the Alexa podcast skill, AnyPod. [more inside]
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich on May 29, 2017 - 12 comments

Alexa, play Mefi* music

While bemoaning the fact that there's not an Amazon playlist or station that scratches my itch for eclectic music, it dawned on me that Mefi Music hits that particular sweet spot for me. Which led me to wonder about the feasibility of integrating Alexa with Mefi music. It seems it's been done for iPhone using the RSS feed, so I'm assuming doing something for Alexa is not totally out of the question. I'm curious as to what people think of the idea in general, and also any thoughts on technical implementation. [more inside]
posted by forforf on Mar 19, 2017 - 14 comments

Does anyone else feel Metafilter's moderation culture is ridiculous?

I joined Metafilter because I was interested in community feedback, not the feedback of the same tiny handful of moderators who all think alike. [more inside]
posted by knowgood on Aug 28, 2015 - 507 comments

Deja Voodoo

Seems to me this question was already asked and answered a week ago.
posted by zadcat on Sep 6, 2010 - 37 comments

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