3 posts tagged with editting.
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What's the policy on removing links?

Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
posted by By The Grace of God on Feb 7, 2006 - 60 comments

Editting feature request.

After making this post I saw that I had somehow deleted half of it (probably when fixing a tag on preview). Is there some way to implement an edit function of one's fpp? Maybe have a five minute grace period?
posted by Kattullus on Apr 17, 2005 - 8 comments

Poorly typed posts ruin the subject matter.

I hate when important stories are ruined by lousy posts. How many errors can you find? Where's the cleanup crew when you need them?!
posted by insomnia_lj on Mar 3, 2002 - 32 comments

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