3 posts tagged with environment.
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How to block a specific post category
I'm grateful for the fact that I can block US politics posts. However, for mental health reasons, I really need to not see any Metafilter posts about the current environmental catastrophe - climate change, microplastics, mass extinction etc - even just the headline. This is not about keeping my head in the sand; I have taken personal and political action on these fronts in many ways. But reading about it has a profound emotional effect on me and can ruin my entire day, sometimes more than that. When I'm on tumblr, I use TumblrSavior and XKit to make sure I don't see posts about these topics - is there a greasemonkey script or similar that will take these posts completely off the front page for me? [more inside]
Jam a bastard in it, you crap
Feeling safe posting on MetaFilter. Courtesy, disagreement, "welcoming" environments and related topics. [more inside]
Worship at the feet of MetaSolar!!
This Thread. Got me thinkin as to how the Meta World is powered; Are there things we could do to make the Blue a little bluer? The Green a little greener? The Gray a little… sunnier? I for one would happily slap down another $5, or more, to make this happen.