4 posts tagged with ethnicity.
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Meet and Greet: MeFites of Asian descent
In one of the recent MeTas about race, I mentioned that I often notice other Asian posters, appreciate their contributions, and would love to talk to them about our experiences in a neutral setting. So, I'm making a thread! [more inside]
Not All Problems Are Caused By Being Asian.
Can we stop bringing issues of non-Westernness into Ask Metafilter answers where they aren't warranted? [more inside]
Meta Book Club: The Woman Warrior
Maxine Hong Kingston grew up in two worlds: the "solid America," of confounding white "ghosts" to which her parents emigrated, and the misogynistic China of her mother's mesmerizing "talk-stories," where girls were worthless, tradition was exalted and only a strong, wily warrior woman could scratch her way upward. The next meeting of the Mefi Book Club will be held in MetaChat on Tuesday, April 26th. We'll be discussing Ms. Kingston's powerful, controversial and award-winning memoir, The Woman Warrior, and her attempts to discern the truths behind those talk-stories while discovering her personal identity. Please check out the Hungerford lecture on the book (or watch the video), and join us!
Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced?
Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced? Where are the minorities?