2 posts tagged with examples.
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I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread.

I'm not big on doing the call-outs, but when the question poster Mach3avelli asks a question and provides a big ol' great bunch of examples right in the question, well, just wanted to thank them for the thread, and hope it makes the sidebar (which is NOT why I'm doing this, by the way). Thanks also to some of the stellar suggestions the hive has posted, and non sum qualis eram's description of Rossini. It's so easy to snark on people online, but it's good to thank someone when they do something nice as well. Y'all have almost always been so helpful, and I learn something new here everyday. Music is incredibly important to me - as I suspect so many of us! - so having a new playlist of music to investigate is a treat, and yet another example of why this was one of the best $5 purchases I've ever made in my life. Thanks all. *group hug, passing of Kleenex, etc. etc.*
posted by rmm on May 31, 2007 - 17 comments

Can this thread become the example of how not to use AskMe?

Can this thread become the example of how not to use AskMe?

(It's also an example of why hit-and-run doesn't work. I know there are people who join purely for AskMe, but that still feels sleazy: most users have certain good faith assumptions, and it feels like they're being taken advantage of by these mongs.)
posted by bonaldi on Dec 14, 2005 - 34 comments

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