5 posts tagged with expert.
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I happen to be the obscure expert you need

Perhaps my favorite thing about Ask Metafilter is when someone asks a question that could best be answered by a very particular, obscure kind of expert, and then that exact expert shows up and answers, expertly. Can you post great examples of that here? The more perfectly precise the match between the needed expert and the one who shows up, and the more improbable it is that the right expert would have come along and answered, the better. [more inside]
posted by daisyace on Jun 11, 2020 - 58 comments

We've attracted another expert

We have another case of the subject of a post turning up to comment. Carol from the Illinois Poison Center has turned up in this post and has answered some questions. (Maybe we need to show her Ask MetaFilter next.)
posted by Karmakaze on Apr 12, 2010 - 38 comments

From the Latin "ex" a has-been and "spurt" a drip under pressure

Pony Filter - Find an Expert [more inside]
posted by plinth on Oct 6, 2009 - 98 comments

What is AskMe best at?

Which topics is AskMetafilter best at answering? I'm not referring to specific questions for which you've received the most helpful response; rather I'm wondering if people find that (for example) computer hardware questions receive more accurate and helpful answers than medical questions, or that AskMe is particularly bad at answering another type of question. [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Sep 10, 2008 - 61 comments

Hmm, you might know the answer to this...

AskMe Feature suggestion - here's some questions you might like to answer.... [more inside]
posted by Happy Dave on Mar 12, 2008 - 88 comments

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