3 posts tagged with facts.
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Metatalktail Hour: Animal Facts

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is closing out Pride Month by texting queer ocean and sealife facts to anyone who signs up. (Join by texting MBAPRIDE to 844.786.2927. Please be prepared for puns and GIFs.) What's an animal fact you would like to share? Note that anecdotes about your pets or local wildlife count as facts for purposes of this chat! [more inside]
posted by the primroses were over on Jun 24, 2023 - 32 comments

Metatalktail Hour: What most people don't know

Most people don't know this, but ... [more inside]
posted by taz on Aug 6, 2022 - 72 comments

The burden of honesty

I'm as upset as humanfont was over people inventing facts, then using those facts to argue from. Unfortunately, humanfont does that exact thing, again and again and again. By making these speculative inferences and then arguing vituperatively from them, humanfont is inflaming an already fraught discussion and making the conversation worse. [more inside]
posted by klangklangston on Mar 25, 2013 - 334 comments

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