4 posts tagged with featurerequest and posting.
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Determining "D'oh!" draft delay

Would it be possible to create draft FPPs before the end of the 24-hour delay? In other words, you would get the D'oh!/"you have already posted a link in the past 24 hours" page after hitting publish instead of when you click on New Post. I think the 24-hour delay is a good thing but it's intended to prevent people from posting not writing. Changing the order would allow people to check HTML formatting and link accuracy earlier in the writing process if they want to post on back-to-back days. Aside from changing the back end of the publishing process (which I know nothing about and may very well be insurmountable) would it add additional work or issues for the mods over time? Is this something that other people who post FPPs would like? [more inside]
posted by not_the_water on Jan 30, 2019 - 20 comments

Ctrl+enter to post/preview?

I was wondering what the community and dev team thinks about adding a ctrl+enter shortcut to post comments. It's something that's fairly common elsewhere on the web, and in my opinion it would be nice to have it here as well. Going to the mouse to click on Post Comment is not exactly a big deal, but it would be cool if there were a keyboard shortcut for those of us who are slightly mouse-averse. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Mar 8, 2014 - 40 comments

You are ineligible to post

Idea: what if the "New Post" and "New Question" links vanish-or change to say "You are ineligible to post"-when you aren't eligible? That would eliminate a lot of the "Oh lemme ax metafilter about that." ...*click*... "Sweet Lady Marmalade! I can't yet!"

Then when you're allowed again they change back to normal.
posted by evariste on Sep 18, 2006 - 60 comments

May I humbly suggest a timer for individual posts...

May I humbly suggest a timer for individual posts. Err, that isn't very clear. Lately there's been a rash of people posting 2 or three small items in a row which, imho, really thins out the collective attention on MF which leads to more sparse threads.

What if each user was only allowed to post one new topic per 20 minutes? Or any arbitrary time period really...

Perhaps this should be a feature request?
posted by bryanboyer on Jun 14, 2000 - 7 comments

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