4 posts tagged with formatting and quote.
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Can't tell who said what

What happened to put quotes in italics?
posted by nax on Feb 23, 2008 - 126 comments

Preferred method of quoting others' comment?

What's the proper method for quoting a commenter in a thread? For years, I had taken to just posting the thought in italics and nothing else. More and more however, I notice people pulling out the quote with the post date/time and user name. Are both methods acceptable? Neither? Better to link to the comment in question and not quote it at all? Please hope me.
posted by psmealey on Mar 21, 2007 - 101 comments

Smart Quotes and RSS

Smart Quotes Ahoy! Love 'em or hate 'em, they turn up awful weird in my RSS reader.

Not a major crisis, I was just surprised to see Word-style formatting passing through after the very recent thread on blocking entities.
posted by gimonca on Oct 17, 2006 - 31 comments

How to quote text

I suppose this is just a personal preference thing, but using italics to quote linked material in front page posts makes them hard to read (not to mention looong bold and linked text, too). I just want to encourage the use of quotation marks instead. They are faster to type and easier on my eyes.
posted by daveadams on Apr 5, 2002 - 40 comments

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